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Corporate Health Management

We advise and support companies and people regarding occupational health management and personal health concerns.

Our Corporate Health Management services include:

  • Building and development of holistic health concepts
  • Cost, health and stress analysis (Job Stress Analysis)
  • Resilience and resources management
  • Keynote speeches, workshops.

The techniques we use are scientifically based and provide helpful information to help improve your business.

Online Check-Up Test

How good is the corporate health management in your business? Take the 3 minute test and answer the questions in the check-up to find out.

Take Check-up Test

Online Savings Test

With successful optimisation of your current absence rate, you can keep your personnel costs low. How high are the potential savings in your company? Take the test to find out.

Take the Savings Test

Our Philosophy

We base our Corporate Health Management services on Aron Antonovsky’s model of Salutogenesis. We ask these three questions:

  1. How do I manage to stay healthy?
  2. What resources are available to me?
  3. How do I deal with stress so that I can stay healthy?

We follow the principle Antonovsky calls “a sense of coherence” to answer these, meaning – a feeling of confidence we all sense when:

  • Our internal and external experiences are structured, predictable and we can explain them;
  • We have the resources to face and cope with the demands of these experiences;
  • These demands are challenges that are worthy of time investment.