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Stocker Management EN > Projects & References > Be prepared for the future with a tailor-made leadership and culture program

Be prepared for the future with a tailor-made leadership and culture program

In times of the pandemic and changing values, the demands on management work have increased further. It is essential to further optimise management quality with targeted measures to retain talents and attract new employees to the competitive job market.

Project Details

Client name:
Stansstad, Switzerland
Surface Area:
Human Resources Management

STEINAG Rozloch AG was founded in 1931 in Rotzloch, the oldest industrial town in Nidwalden, and today employs 115 people. To counteract the acute shortage of skilled workers and meet future management requirements (e.g. healthy leadership, diversity and generation management), Stocker Management GmbH developed a multi-year, needs-oriented management cultural development project and started it together.

Methodologically, these topics should be dealt with in workshops and individual/group coaching. Ultimately, tangible measures must be derived and implemented in everyday life.

In the first year of this leadership and cultural development program, the focus was on understanding leadership, role clarification, and conflict management.

In workshops, we identified relevant spheres of influence (e.g. inner drivers, stereotypes) in management’s work, and we developed personal management profiles and usable potential together with the direct superiors. In the second year, the central subject was «BGM and healthy management». Topics of “self-leadership” and “promoting team spirit” accompanied us in the third year. It has been important for the management to promote cohesion parallelly to these training events in all years.

Through an open and honest discussion about “management behaviour and corporate culture”, the superiors of STEINAG Rozloch AG have received a clear orientation concerning the applicable values and the expectations of their management tasks. We showed the management team the individual development potential and ways for successful practical implementation. The findings remain for everyone involved: STAY TUNED!